

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Why everyone is getting hacked these days? and how to handle it?.

 It seems that 2012 saw a huge surge in passwords hacks, hacks in government sites all over the world, company websites and almost everything on the internet. Many people had their personal accounts hacked, and lot of personal data stolen. Most hackers claim to do this for fun, breaking into websites and servers give them an intellectual pleasure, but many of them do it for the sake of financial gain. Hackers have been known to manipulate financial data or programs for their gain, and some have been known to use credit card details or bank details to siphon off huge funds.

Why everyone is getting hacked these days?
Bad password habits:

Average internet users have been reported to have more than twenty separate accounts; but use less than 6 passwords for them. Mostly passwords used are too easy to crack, as they are based on personal information. It is better to use alpha numeric passwords, and sometimes very dumb ones to fool the password crackers.
Better Technology: Boon or Bane?

With the much improved and ever evolving graphic technology, computing has become very fast. This also allows the password cracking software’s to run at great speed compared to the past. There are software’s that even track your keypad impression data work out various possibilities in fraction of seconds. you can check our Keylogger Section here..
The Networking Effects:

With each incident of hacking and the results being discussed and brought out in the open, hackers or would be hackers get a much more in-depth understanding of the general attitude. The new algorithms and better designed codes to break software combined with this understanding makes them lethal.
Weak Protection from sites:

The companies have not been protecting us or our personal information enough. Sites have not been providing enough cryptographic security to passwords as claimed by many internet security experts.

The big question from the above facts come out, are we not safe? Or cannot we save from being hacked?

Yes of course, if someone can hack our accounts, we definitely can do our part to protect our accounts or our personal information. A robber can be prevented from entering our house, if we think rationally and take some simple measures.

#1. Don’t be lured by Freebies:
Do not download any program which you are not sure of. Any program that offers anything free and raises suspicion is better to be avoided. Many of these program have key loggers embedded, and your email, passwords get recorded and shifted to the creator.
Most importantly do not download or reply mails declaring you winner of a fortune, or people asking for huge amount transfer help and offering you a cut.

#2. Secure your Wi-Fi:
Mostly Wi-Fi users leave them unsecured. This is like opening a door to a gold locker. Hackers can login to such unsecured networks and take control of the computer and do whatever they want to. Secure every Wi-Fi network, using hard to guess passwords, and regularly change them.

#3. Log Off:
Log off from all accounts before you leave your computer. Better to shut it down completely before going to rest. If you have allowed anyone to use your computer, make sure that the person has been logged off from all active accounts. Moreover never use any site that offers to save your login information. That may save some of your time but in the long run may take away much more.

#4. Secure Password For Everything:
It is always better to have different passwords for every account, particularly for the ones that are used for financial transaction. Use long passwords, a combination of numbers and alphabets and make it really hard-to-guess. Even known people can hack into accounts, so its better to be safe rather than sorry.

#5. Install Antivirus with Malware Protection:
Most hackers get passwords through malicious software’s popularly known as Malware. Install a good antivirus that offers protection from Malwares. Scan computer completely before logging in to the net. Set for regular updates and regular scan of the computer. Login to all accounts and change their password after that, keeping in mind that the passwords must be really hard-to guess.

Do the following diligently to avoid further hacking, if your account has been hacked.

Always update your Operating System.

Never reply to mails asking for passwords of your email or banking accounts.

Carefully sign in to your email or bank accounts if you are using public computers, try avoiding unsecured Wi-Fi. Always log out properly and carefully. It is better to use the virtual keyboard in public networks to login.

Try the two layered login options provided by most services.

Make your account easily recoverable by changing the settings.

Carefully reset your account, and restore your deleted mails and contacts.

Keep changing your password regularly.


Hackers will try to take advantage of your account and millions others. They will try to take advantage of the security loopholes. They will be using technology to their advantage. To prevent them most importantly you will also have to take the technical advantage. But the trick they use to hack should be your best weapon to prevent them. They try to think like you when they are trying to hack into your account, try thinking like them to stop them from doing so.


  1. YOu should must check it because it is really really important as i am a hacker but i myself got hacked about a month ago and it was really really hard to recover it



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