Scientific American ( ) has published an article entitled 'How to steal millions in chump change' which was about online credit card theft.
Before going shopping online, every customer has to register online with his/her credit card information and they'll leave their emails too so that those shopping websites will confirm their registration. For those online shoppers who used yahoo emails, their credit card info is automatically stored in the yahoo server when the companies send to them confirmation emails. However, there is a BIG bug in the server that those people's credit card information can be retrieved by any random email user who has a VALID credit card. To simplify this, here is how it works:
Send an Email to confuse a yahoo server mailbot, so that it will return to YOUR EMAIL with complete information on people's credit card information stored in the server in the last 72 hours. This is how you will get people's VALID credit card information. Now you have to do exactly the same as follows:
EDIT: removed redundant information
expiration date (This is line 35, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 0000000000000 (This is line 36, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc)
E-mail(This is line 47, has to be LOWER CASE letters) 0000000000000 (This is line 48, put a zero under each character, number, letter, hyphen, etc)
252ads (This is line 51)
Return-Path: (This is line 54, type in your email between ) s_
You have to make sure you do EXACTLY as what is said above and the credit card info above the 0000 are absolutely CORRECT/VALID. Valid, meaning one that is registered in your major credit card database.
For those who like to play it safe, thinking this is too good to be true. Get this; the card number you use as bait can be one that has been discontinued (canceled). However, it cannot be expired and the card information must be correct. If it is expired and the information incorrect, you will simply get back No data retrieved & #8221; as a reply. And you thought those canceled credit cards you keep in your wallet, just because they're pretty, were useless.
Here is a sample email: (CAUTION! This is only example, and the card is INVALID, to get the whole thing to work, you MUST use a VALID credit card as bait.
Send to:
Subject: accntopp-cc-E52488
Email body:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
jesse d banks
2537 Stillwell rd.,des moines
ia, usa, 50567
Once again, you have to make sure that you DO NOT COPY THE SAMPLE EMAIL ABOVE, because it will NOT work!!! It is there to help you set it up. Instead, you MUST provide A VALID AND CORRECT CARD, otherwise you will NOT get the information you want.
I am a Single full time dad on disability getting no help from their moms. It a struggle every day. My boys are 15 and 9 been doing this by myself for 8 years now it’s completely drained all my savings everything . These guys are the present day ROBIN HOOD. Im back on my feet again and my kids can have a better life all thanks to the blank card i acquired from skylink technology. Now i can withdraw up too 3000 per day
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